Fell off he Wagon

Yep, I did it. I fell off the Metabolism Miracle wagon!

The wonderful thing about MM is the ability to hop right back on and see/feel results. They are almost

When you have written 2 books about your journey with MM and tips to help
others it is quite hypocritical to not practice what you preach.

I would beat myself up and then have another LITTLE DEBBIE.

One month in I have lost 13.25 inches! Seeing these results is motivating to say the least. How many pounds have I lost? Only 1.5! Crazy! Originally I lost more but gained it back– however losing inches is what matters to me!

Have you fallen off the wagon? Have you hopped back on? Are you having a hard time felling motivated? Let’s talk….. Real stories from real people! We need to hear them!


It’s been a while…….

I am quite a few things but a liar and a hypocrite I am not. You see I’ve …….


A trip to Laredo, yet again, has been my nemesis. This margarita

Is officially the best margarita I’ve ever had. If you happen to read my other blog, Simply Cynful, you will know I claimed to have had my favorite of all time back in November while in San Antonio. That tasty concoction above is a mango margarita and is sprinkled with the Mexican chile typically used to put on fruit Shown below.


Maybe not that exact brand but the concept.

First I DO NOT LIKE MANGO. Second, OH MY GOODNESS! This margarita was like no other. No competition. Almost like a smoothie. If you go to Laredo you must visit Maria Bonita restaurant to try one, two, three, floor.


I must be serious now. Since my tailspin I have not recovered. Homemade tortellini has found it’s way onto our menu not once but twice. Spaghetti. Keebler fudge stripes have replaced my peanuts. Rice Krispy treats, honey buns, ICED…. I’m not eating as often as I should — this is probably a good thing considering what I’m putting in my mouth.

Setbacks happen. Sometimes major. Sometimes minor. Either way they are all the same. Set backs!!!

I couldn’t very well sit behind my phone pretending to live in a perfect metabolism miracle world and write post after post while cramming my mouth full of Reece’s pieces!

In my other blog I often write about The Map. A book i look to for personal guidance. It outlines a plan I’ve followed for a while. Part of it, a small, yet very important part, is stating our intentions.


When I follow it I feel my best.

Make no mistake. Carbs are an addiction. They seemingly don’t harm you but like alcohol or drugs the toll they take in your body and chemistry is horrific. My energy, what little I had, is gone. I cannot stay focused. I literally feel my skin bubbling up. The fat is expanding. Like popcorn under my skin. It’s so gross.

I wish y’all all the best.

What hurts the most is I’m supposed to be herefor support and guidance. I’m sorry…….


How is everyone?

I asked a few weeks back if we should do a challenge. The idea seemed popular but I wasn’t sure of the type— 30 day squat challenge, upper body challenge, for example.

Maybe we should focus on our own personal challenges. Pick something you want to work on, dedicate a mere 10-15 minutes more a day to it than you currently do. For me, that will be 10-15 minutes total!

Let’s do that for the remainder of the month and see where we are.

Like if you are joining in

Comment if you want to share what you are going to do.

I think I’ll start Pilates again?

What about you?


Good Monday morning!

Trying to find motivation this a.m. What questions do you have? What recipes do you need? Or want ?

I’m sure I’ll be motivated by something today as I hear up for a quick trip to my little brothers wedding.

Thinking it’s hard to write when I know I’ve cheated this past weekend in The Big Easy. How do you not cheat in New Orleans?

Anyway……. More to come later I’m sure!

Oh, I might have to post a headshot later. I’m getting my hair done professionally for the first time in 2 years today! I have cut and colored my hair for over 2 years now. Crazy!!!!!

YoYo Ma


This is me….

This is a perfect example as to why the author of Metabolism Miracle says not to weigh yourself.

I do.

It’s motivational for me.

My weight fluctuates 4 pounds lost, 3 pounds gained, every day.


My husband on the other hand has had a steady decline, losing 13 pounds in 6 days.

How are you doing. Please share!