Fell off he Wagon

Yep, I did it. I fell off the Metabolism Miracle wagon!

The wonderful thing about MM is the ability to hop right back on and see/feel results. They are almost

When you have written 2 books about your journey with MM and tips to help
others it is quite hypocritical to not practice what you preach.

I would beat myself up and then have another LITTLE DEBBIE.

One month in I have lost 13.25 inches! Seeing these results is motivating to say the least. How many pounds have I lost? Only 1.5! Crazy! Originally I lost more but gained it back– however losing inches is what matters to me!

Have you fallen off the wagon? Have you hopped back on? Are you having a hard time felling motivated? Let’s talk….. Real stories from real people! We need to hear them!

The Metabolism Miracle Update is Here! Update your “Miracle” today.

Metabolism Miracle/Diabetes Miracle Blog

The Metabolism Miracle Update


..(already #1 Diabetes Book for Kindle)

The Metabolism Miracle Update includes all the new revisions to both The Metabolism Miracle and The Diabetes Miracle books. If you are purchasing either book, or you already own the books, this complementary update book will bring your program up to the latest and greatest it can be!

 Since The Metabolism Miracle (2009) was published, Diane Kress has kept her eye on the latest research in the field of weight reduction for those with insulin imbalance and insulin resistance….a condition Kress has labeled; Metabolism B or Met B.  And research HAS proven that over 60% of the US adult population has the genes for “Metabolism B.” 

Over 150 million US adults have the genetic possibility of developing insulin imbalance, and environmental stressors combine to bring Met B to the surface. 

The environmental stressors the add up over time and provoke the onset of…

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Catching my breath

I guess it’s just that time of year. Everything is hectic! Everything is moving so fast I can barely keep up.

We’ve had quite a few changes in our home. I’m excited about them and cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Our 4 year old started pre-school. This was and is a change I am trying to deal with. It has hit me hard. I knew it would so I was proactive. In an effort to easily stalk all 4 children at school everyday I signed up to substitute. That hasn’t worked out the way I had hoped.

In my head I just knew I would be called in everyday. I have not been called in once in the 3 weeks we have been in school. I did say we– we have been in school because every evening my husband and myself work with our children on their homework. We do not do it for them. We quiz them. We make copies of their completed work and have them do it again from memory. We make tests. We are very involved in their schooling. Gosh, I missed a lot!

While they are at school the days are long. Young Living essential oils takes up a good bit of my morning. I am new and am trying to learn the business as well as about each individual oil. It is amazing and I look forward to posting more blogs about concoctions I come up with. I cannot wait to build my team and change the world!

Then lunch time comes or at least the time I know our 4 year old will be eating. This makes me sad. I’ve never been one to sleep. I couldn’t nap as a young adult without ridicule and as an adult I’ve always felt like I was wasting day light. Right now though– a nap gets me through the rest of the day without my little baby!

I wake up and start dinner. The kids eat upon arrival from school. I do not
like them eating junk good snacks or even healthy snacks if I can have dinner ready. So we eat dinner around 3:30!! Yes, it’s crazy but it works. Sometimes they have a snack later sometimes they don’t. They enjoy having a great home cooked meal when they arrive home as well.

Handsome hubby and I plan on continuing our writing in the next month or so. His books are selling like hot cakes. I am so proud of him. You can find them in amazon.
prophecy of honor

jesus held me

If you have not read either one I highly recommend both !

I look forward to writing more often and maybe napping a little less. Hey, whatever gets me through it is what matters to me right now!

How are y’all?

Jesus Held Me

overton publishing

I wrote my book “Jesus Held Me” after my near death experience. I wish that everyone could feel what I felt at the moment he held me.

With all of our troubles and all of the evil in the world we cannot comprehend the love and joy that is waiting for us. No church or bible or preacher will ever be able to describe whats coming next. If you do not know Jesus just call out to him and repent and he will save you !

Jesus Held Me: A Near Death Experience by Woody Overton Jr http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KNFCLA4/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_k8L.tb1HRFRG7

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Newlywed Game

Simply Cynful

Today our teenage girls decided that it would be fun for Handsome Hubby and I to play the Newlywed Game. We were married in 2009 so I guess we might still be considered newlyweds.

They asked us a total of 16 questions.  We answered 2 differently.  I cannot say incorrectly because we interpreted the question differently. For example, one question was “What was the biggest surprise present he has given you?”  He answered,” A new car.” I answered, “A candle.” He forgot he even bought me a candle so many years ago and because he talked to me the whole time he was at the dealership buying me the car I didn’t think it was much of a surprise!

The other question we missed was, “Name something Cyndi does too much of.” I answered, “wash”. He said, “talk.” Oh well, we cannot win them all.

The other questions?

If you…

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Handsome Hubby has a BLOG!

Simply Cynful

My husband has heard me yell with excitement upon getting a notification that I have a new blog follower. To me a new follower is like a new friend! There’s excitement in knowing someone actually chooses to see your posts as they scroll through their feed or their emails.

Handsome Hubby has always been supportive of my excitement and cheered along with me. But today he was able to say those words to me! He didn’t say it once or twice. He told me 4 times that he had a new follower!

I created his page for him yesterday. He blogged for the first time today. Click here to read his posts! Please follow him too! I love seeing his beautiful brown eyes light up and hearing him say “I have a new follower” in his deep southern voice.

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Proud Wife!

Simply Cynful

Prophecy of Honor can be purchased by clicking the link to Amazon or on Smashwords and Createspace.

Prophecy of Honor is my Handsome Hubby’s first book! He is currently writing another. His second book is not fiction. It is a true story and is a must read!

Follow his blog to keep up to date on his new books release and what is going on in the Legion of Honor series.

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